Table Of Contents

1. Overview

Defining the steady-state hypothesis is the first step in creating a great chaos engineering experiment. Chaostoolkit offers a wide variety of probes to choose from to create steady-state hypothesis verifications, but the most important part is setting the correct tolerance for every verification.

Start by defining ‘steady state’ as some measurable output of a system that indicates normal behaviour.

The tolerance defines the boundaries of what we consider an acceptable measurable output of the system. That’s why it’s essential to set it correctly.

In this article, we’ll discuss the different ways we can set tolerance values for verifications in ChaosToolkit experiments.

2. Tolerance And Steady-State Verification

In a ChaosToolkit experiment, every probe in the steady-state verification must have a tolerance. The tolerance configuration will tell the framework whether the value returned by the probe is still acceptable to describe a stable system.

Here’s an example of how we can set a tolerance for a ChaosToolkit probe:

  title: "Ningx web server is available"
    - type: probe
      name: "server-must-respond"
      tolerance: 200   # Must respond with HTTP status code 200
        type: http
        url: "http://localhost:8080"
        method: "GET"
        timeout: 3

This snippet demonstrates how to implement a health check verification on a web server. We probe the URL http://localhost:8080 and tolerate only a 200 HTTP response code. Any other response code is considered unacceptable by the experiment.

3. Before we begin

If you wish to follow along with the steps described in this article and test it by yourself, you’ll need to set up a few things first.

3.1. Required ChaosToolkit modules

If you don't have ChaosToolkit installed in your system, follow the installation steps described in the article Your First Chaos Engineering Experiment With Chaostoolkit first.

I prepared a custom ChaosToolkit module to demonstrate some tolerance verification features, so let’s install it from the GitHub repository with the following command:

pip install git+

After installing this package, a new Python module, chaostutorial will be available to use in our experiments.

3.2. Run a local Nginx server for testing

We need something to verify if we want to create an experiment verification. Let’s start a new Nginx server with Docker and bind port 8080:

docker run -d --name webserver --publish 8080:80 nginx

And verify the web server is online by navigating to http://localhost:8080 using a web browser or from the command line:

curl -I http://localhost:8080
# HTTP/1.1 200 OK
# Server: nginx/1.23.4
# Date: Sat, 06 May 2023 14:25:50 GMT
# Content-Type: text/html ...

3.3. Create the experiment structure

Create a new experiment file, probe-tolerances.yaml with the following content to start with:

title: "ChaosToolkit Tolerance Examples"
description: |
  This experiment contains examples of how to set tolerance values
  for experiment probes for the steady-state hypothesis verification

  title: "A collection of probe tolerances"
    - type: probe
      name: "server-must-respond-200"
      tolerance: 200
        type: http
        url: "http://localhost:8080"
        method: "GET"
        timeout: 3
method: []

This simple experiment defines nothing more than the steady-state hypothesis verification, which we can use to test our tolerances.

4. What Are Probes Returning?

We learned that tolerances are evaluated against the output value of a probe. So naturally, it’s important to understand the value the probe returns.

The best way to do this is to run the experiment once and then search for the probe output in the journal.json file. To check the output of the http probe defined in the experiment:

chaos run probe-tolerances.yaml

And then, open the journal.json file with our favourite editor and find the value for steady_states > before > probes > output.

I prefer not to leave the command line for this, so I use jq to print the output values in the console:

jq '.steady_states.before.probes[].output' journal.json
# {
#   "status": 200,
#   "headers": {
#     "Server": "nginx/1.23.4",
#     "Date": "Sat, 06 May 2023 14:24:46 GMT",
#     "Content-Type": "text/html",
#     "Content-Length": "615",
#     "Last-Modified": "Tue, 28 Mar 2023 15:01:54 GMT",
#     "Connection": "keep-alive",
#     "ETag": "\"64230162-267\"",
#     "Accept-Ranges": "bytes"
#   },
#   "body": "<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html>\n<head>\n ..."
# }

But wait a minute! If this is the actual probe output, how can our tolerance: 200 match this entire structure? 🤔

The reason is that the built-in http probe in ChaosToolkit has been designed to match the status field by default.

Though, it’s interesting to see that we have much more data at our disposal, like request headers and the entire page body! We’ll see how to use them later in in the article.

5. How To Set Tolerances For Probes

ChaosToolkit supports different ways to set tolerances and match different kinds of probes output:

  • scalar values for exact matching of integers, strings and booleans
  • sequences to check values are between lower and upper bounds or in a list of possible values
  • ranges to match all values within a range
  • regex to match strings using regular expressions
  • jsonpath to set tolerances for complex object structures

5.1. Tolerance for scalar values

The simplest way to set a tolerance value for a probe is with an exact match of a scalar value. In the previous example, we’ve already seen a scalar tolerance in action with the HTTP probe.

Scalar values for tolerances support three types: integers, json strings and booleans.

Let’s add a second probe to the steady-state hypothesis to verify that an output.log file does not exist:

  title: "Scalar values verification"
    - type: probe
      name: "server-must-respond-200"
      tolerance: 200  # exact integer match
        type: http
        url: "http://localhost:8080"
        method: "GET"
        timeout: 3
    - type: probe
      name: "file-must-not-exist"
      tolerance: false  # exact boolean match
        type: python
        module: os.path
        func: exists
          path: "./output.log"

5.2. Sequences

We can’t define a steady state of a system with just scalar tolerances. For example, it’s normal for an HTTP request to take between 0 and 500 milliseconds to respond or for an endpoint to respond with a JSON or an XML document.

We can define a tolerance as a sequence ChaosToolkit experiments using the array notation [ elem1, ..., elemN]. Depending on how many elements we include in the sequence, it can be interpreted as a range or a list of exact matches. Sounds complicated? 🤯 Let me explain:

  • A sequence with exactly two elements [lower, upper] will verify that the probe value is between the lower and the upper bound
  • A sequence with three elements or more [ elem1, elem2, ..., elemN] will verify the output value of the probe matches one of the elements in the list

Let’s see some examples.

To verify that our web server responds in less than 500 milliseconds, we can use the sequence as a range between 0 and 500 ms:

  title: "Sequence probe as range"
    - type: probe
      name: "should-respond-in-500ms-or-less"
      tolerance: [0, 500]  # with two values, tolerance is a range
        type: python
        module: chaostutorial.http.probes
        func: request_duration
          url: "http://localhost:8080"
          method: "GET"
          timeout: 3

If we need to verify that the response mime-type is one of the accepted values XML or HTML or plain text:

  title: "Sequence probe as list"
    - type: probe
      name: "should-be-allowed-mime-type"
      tolerance:  # with 3 or more values, tolerance is list
        - 'text/plain'
        - 'text/html'
        - 'application/xml'
        type: python
        module: chaostutorial.http.probes
        func: response_mime_type
          url: "http://localhost:8080"
          method: "GET"
          timeout: 3

In this example, because we used more than two values in the sequence, the tolerance will be met if the response mime type matches any of the listed options.

Sometimes, the fact that you need three or more options to use an exact match with a sequence can be a limitation. For instance: if you only need to match either text/plain or text/html, you can work around the problem by including a third option that is either impossible or null.

5.3. Ranges

Range tolerances do almost the same job as a sequence with two elements. In fact, they verify the probe output is between a lower and upper bound. To define a range, we use the following notation:

  type: range
  range: [ lower, upper ]
# or

  type: range
    - lower
    - upper

I said almost the same job. The beauty of ranges is that they can also work with probes with an object output.

Using the target parameter for a range, we can specify which output attribute to match the tolerance with. For example, we already know the http probe returns the HTTP response as an object. We can use the target attribute to match any status code between 200 and 299:

  title: "Range tolerance with target value"
    - type: probe
      name: "server-must-respond-2xx"
      tolerance:  # Range tolerance
        type: range
        target: status  # Will match response "status"
          - 200
          - 299
        type: http
        url: "http://localhost:8080"
        method: "GET"
        timeout: 3

5.4. Regular expressions

Regular expressions are a powerful text-matching tool, and we can use them with our tolerances by specifying the regex type:

  title: "Probe with regular expressions"
    - type: probe
      name: "should-be-allowed-mime-type"
      tolerance:  # Tolerance match with regular expression
        type: regex
        pattern: "text\/[plain|html]"
        type: python
        module: chaostutorial.http.probes
        func: response_mime_type
          url: "http://localhost:8080"
          method: "GET"
          timeout: 3

Like range tolerances, regex supports the target attribute to select a specific matching field from the output.

An interesting use for the target in combination with regex is to match the output of a process probe:

  title: "Regex matching with target"
    - type: probe
      name: "container-must-exist"
        type: regex
        pattern: "webserver"
        target: stdout
        type: process
        path: docker
        arguments: "container ps --filter name=webserver --format '{{lower .Names}}'"

When using the process probe, the actual output of the shell command is in the stdout field of the returned object. This match would not have been possible using a scalar tolerance, so this is a simple way to work around the problem.

5.5. Match complex objects with jsonpath

Last, we’ll see how to use jsonpath to define complex matching criteria when probes return deep JSON structures.

The jsonpath tolerance uses Python’s jsonpath2 library under the hood. Like RegEx, the Jsonpath syntax offers many options, and we can’t possibly cover all of them in this article. If you’re interested in the full specification, you can find it in the official documentation page.

To use jsonpath, we first need to install it:

pip install jsonpath2

As an example we’ll use jsonpath to match some values returned by the http probe. As part of the response, we can access all header values returned. For instance, we could access the mime-type information directly from the headers:

  title: "Content-type should be 'text/html'"
    - type: probe
      name: "content-type-should-be-html"
      tolerance:  # Match json object with jsonpath2
        type: jsonpath
        path: '$["headers"]["Content-Type"]'
        expect: "text/html"
        type: http
        url: "http://localhost:8080"
        method: "GET"
        timeout: 3

Another advantage of jsonpath is its functions. Since the probe returns the whole response body, we could add a verification to make sure the returned request is not empty, for example, by checking that the total length of the body is more than 500 characters:

  title: "Response content should have more than 500 character"
    - type: probe
      name: "response-must-not-be-empty"
      tolerance:  # use lenght() function to calculate body size
        type: jsonpath
        path: '$.body[length()][?(@ > 500)]'
        type: http
        url: "http://localhost:8080"
        method: "GET"
        timeout: 3

Notice how we didn’t use the expect parameter for the tolerance in this last example because jsonpath expressions like [?(@ > 500)] already evaluate as either a positive or negative match.

6. Conclusion

In this article, we looked at all the different ways to specify tolerance values for chaos experiments with ChaosToolkit as scalar, sequence, range, regex or jsonpath.

As always, all examples used in this post and more are available over on GitHub