1. Overview

Experimenting in production has the potential to cause unnecessary customer pain. […] it is the responsibility and obligation of the Chaos Engineer to ensure the fallout from experiments are minimized and contained.


In this article, we’ll learn how to use safeguards in Chaos Toolkit to immediately interrupt an experiment execution before it seriously affects the target system.

Whether you’re injecting chaos events on a production system or still experimenting with a test environment, Chaos Toolkit safeguards can be incredibly useful to stop experiments as soon as possible.


2. Safeguards vs Steady-State Hypothesis

A steady-state hypothesis can also be used to bail out an experiment early. In fact, in Chaos Toolkit, we can use a verification strategy to check the steady state of the system continuously and exit as soon as the first verification fails (More on hypothesis strategies in a previous article

So how are safeguards different from a steady-state hypothesis?

Safeguards are experiment controls

Controls in Chaos Toolkit operate outside of the experiment context and can be used to modify its execution flow (like interrupting the experiment early in this case). Because they’re not part of the experiment, they can be defined in separate files and activated for multiple experiments using command line options.

Safeguards can keep an eye on the system as a whole

While a steady-state hypothesis is usually relevant to a single service or sub-system, safeguards can define probes to check the system as a whole. For instance, while we simulate a traffic spike on a frontend service, we could use a safeguard to ensure the underlying database CPU is still in check.

3. Using Experiment Safeguards

The safeguards control is part of the chaosaddons module, so to use it in our experiments, we first need to install it:

pip install -U chaostoolkit-addons

Then all we need to do is add our safeguards to the controls section, for example:

# ...

  # This safeguards control includes two probes:
  - name: "my-experiment-safeguards"
      type: python
      module: chaosaddons.controls.safeguards
          # The first probe verifies the container called `sampleapp-back`
          # is running before starting the experiment
          - type: probe
            name: "backend-container-must-be-running"
              type: regex
              target: stdout
              pattern: sampleapp-back
              type: process
              path: "docker"
              arguments: "container ps --filter name=sampleapp-back --format '{{lower .Names}}'"

          # The second probe verifies the backend application remains
          # responsive throughout the test
          - type: probe
            name: "backend-must-be-healthy"
            frequency: 2      # <<<< run continuously
            background: true  # <<<<
            tolerance: 200
              type: http
              url: "http://localhost:8999/health"
              method: "GET"
              timeout: 2

# ...

Safeguards are nothing more than a list of probes that verify the system’s condition. In the example above, we don’t want the backend service to be affected by chaotic events and stop the experiment as soon as that happens.

Probes defined in safeguards can affect the experiment execution in different ways, depending on how we configure them using two attributes background: bool and frequency: float:

Attribute Execution time Effect
None Blocking, before the experiment begins When no attributes are set, the probe can prevent the experiment from starting
frequency:N Blocking, runs continuously every N seconds Probe will not stop experiment start but will interrupt the execution on failure
background:bool Non-blocking, runs as soon as possible in the background after the experiment starts Probe will not prevent the experiment from starting but can stop execution early
frequency:N and background:bool Non-blocking, runs continuously in the background every N seconds Just like frequency but running activity in the background

3.1. Block experiments at the start

The most dangerous thing a chaos experiment can do is introduce faults to an unstable system. We can use safeguard probes to block experiments at the start by not setting the frequency and background attributes.

According to the table above, the probe verification will block the experiment execution until it’s done verifying:

  - name: "my-experiment-safeguards"
      type: python
      module: chaosaddons.controls.safeguards
          - type: probe
            name: "backend-container-must-be-running"
              type: regex
              target: stdout
              pattern: sampleapp-back
              type: process
              path: "docker"
              arguments: "container ps --filter name=sampleapp-back ...
          - [...]

As a result, if the container called sampleapp-back is not running, the experiment will immediately exit and be marked as interrupted:

chaos run --rollback-strategy=always experiment.yaml
# ...
# [CRITICAL] Safeguard 'backend-container-must-be-running' triggered the end of the experiment
# [INFO] Steady state hypothesis: Verify server is available
# [WARNING] Received the exit signal: 20
# ...

3.2. Run safeguards continuously

We can use safeguards to verify the state of the system continuously throughout the experiment execution by defining the frequency attribute for a probe:

  - name: "my-experiment-safeguards"
      type: python
      module: chaosaddons.controls.safeguards
          - [...]
          - type: probe
            name: "backend-must-be-healthy"
            frequency: 2   # <<<< run continuously
            tolerance: 200
              type: http
              url: "http://localhost:8999/health"
              method: "GET"
              timeout: 2

In this example, frequency: 2 will run a verification every 2 seconds until the end of the experiment. As soon as the verification fails, the experiment will be immediately interrupted:

chaos run --rollback-strategy=always experiment.yaml
# ...
# [CRITICAL] Safeguard 'backend-must-be-healthy' triggered the end of the experiment
# [WARNING] Received the exit signal: 20
# ...

3.3. Background verifications

In Chaos Toolkit experiments, the background: bool option will tell the framework to run the action in a subprocess and allow the rest of the steps to proceed concurrently.

Using this feature is sensible if your safeguard verifications can take a long time to complete. Of course, what qualifies as “a long time” entirely depends on the use case: sometimes a 10 seconds wait is acceptable, in other cases, it can make or break a test.

Generally, I avoid using background steps as much as possible to keep the execution flow simple and predictable. If I can live with the wait, I’ll accept it.

4. Reuse Safeguards For Multiple Experiments

Like any other control, safeguards can be defined outside the experiment file and added to existing experiments at run-time using the command line. Let’s see an example.

We create a new file called safeguards.yaml with the following content:

    type: python
    module: chaosaddons.controls.safeguards
        - type: probe
          name: "backend-container-must-be-running"
            type: regex
            target: stdout
            pattern: sampleapp-back
            type: process
            path: "docker"
            arguments: "container ps --filter name=sampleapp-back --format '{{lower .Names}}'"
        - type: probe
          name: "backend-must-be-healthy"
          frequency: 2
          background: true
          tolerance: 200
            type: http
            url: "http://localhost:8999/health"
            method: "GET"
            timeout: 2

This definition is the same as the example above but used in a control-file. We can then run the experiment and apply an external control using this syntax:

chaos run \
    --rollback-strategy=always \
    --control-file safeguards.yaml \

For more information on how to apply controls defined outside of experiment templates, check out my previous article.

5. Safeguards In Practice

If you’re interested in testing safeguards for yourself, we’ll now reproduce the experiment described in the article.

Run the demo application locally

First, we need to have an application to experiment with. You can run my sample frontend-backend application locally with Docker following the steps described in the GitHub repo.

Create the experiment file

Here’s the full example of the experiment including safeguards:

title: "ChaosToolkit experiment with Safeguards"
description: |
  This experiment is an example of how to use `safeguards` to ensure we
  bail out of an experiment early when an unwanted effect is introduced.

  - name: "backend-safeguards"
      type: python
      module: chaosaddons.controls.safeguards
          - type: probe
            name: "backend-container-must-be-running"
              type: regex
              target: stdout
              pattern: sampleapp-back
              type: process
              path: "docker"
              arguments: "container ps --filter name=sampleapp-back --format '{{lower .Names}}'"
          - type: probe
            name: "backend-must-be-healthy"
            frequency: 2
            background: true
            tolerance: 200
              type: http
              url: "http://localhost:8999/health"
              method: "GET"
              timeout: 2

  title: "Verify server is available"
    - type: probe
      name: "server-must-respond-200"
      tolerance: 200
        type: http
        url: "http://localhost:8000"
        method: "GET"
        timeout: 3

  # Simulate some user traffic using Grafana k6
  - type: action
    name: "stress-endpoint-with-simulated-traffic"
      type: python
      module: chaosk6.actions
      func: stress_endpoint
        endpoint: "http://localhost:8000"
        vus: 1
        duration: "10s"

  # Simulate failure on backend container
  - type: action
    name: "fail-backend-container"
      type: http
      url: "http://localhost:8999/_chaos/fail"
      method: "POST"
      timeout: 2

  # Stress the frontend application some more
  - ref: "stress-endpoint-with-simulated-traffic"

  - type: action
    name: "restart-backend-container"
      type: process
      path: docker
      arguments: "start sampleapp-back"

Run the experiment

To run the experiment:

chaos run --rollback-strategy=always experiment.yaml

6. Conclusion

In this article, we learned how to use safeguards to monitor the system’s state and interrupt an experiment before it can cause pain for users.

As always, all examples used in this post and more are available over on GitHub