1. Overview

Task cancellation is straightforward for iterative background tasks that run inside a for loop, though long-running one-time operations can be trickier.

The main issue with one-shot operations is that they are blocking and don’t provide any chance to bail out prematurely.

Example of long-running operation

Let’s take a look at this implementation:

// mockComplexOp represents a long-running, uninterruptible operation
// like a complex computation, a database transaction or an HTTP request
type mockComplexOp struct {
	Duration time.Duration
	timer    *time.Timer

// Do performs the uninterruptible operation.
// This mock implementation just sleeps for a set Duration
func (op *mockComplexOp) Do() error {
	op.timer = time.NewTimer(op.Duration)
	// reading from timer's channel is uninterruptible
	return nil

// Stop will gracefully terminate the long-running operation
func (op *mockComplexOp) Stop() {
	if op.timer != nil {
		if !op.timer.Stop() {
View the full source code here

As simple as the mockComplexOp is, it represents a real-world scenario where we need to perform a certain task that is not interruptible. Examples of these tasks are:

  • Complex oneshot calculations, like rendering tasks
  • I/O operations, like reading from files or completing a database transaction
  • HTTP interactions with other web servers

2. Background Tasks In Go

The go programming language makes it super-easy to run background tasks. In Golang they’re called goroutines, and all we need to do to run one is use the go keyword, followed by a function call:

func main() {
	op := &mockComplexOp{Duration: time.Second}
	go op.Do()

One thing to notice is that when we spawn a background goroutine, the Go runtime will take ownership of that task and we can no longer control its state. The sub-routine will either run to completion or terminate early if the main program exits.

In Go, the only way to interact with a goroutine is by using specific structures called channels.

// runOpOnce is just an example of how to execute a long-running operation in the
// background without any option for task cancellation.
func runOpOnce(op longRunningOp, completedCh chan struct{}) {
View the full source code here

In this example, runOnce() is a simple wrapper function that simply calls the Do() method on a longRunningOp interface and notify the caller as soon as the operation is completed.

Of course, there are simpler ways of tracking goroutines completion in go (using sync.WaitGroup, for example), but it’s good to understand how we can do this ourselves using channels.

In Go, reading from a channel blocks the program execution until new data is pushed into the channel or the channel itself is closed. In the function above, this means that when the completedCh is closed, all processes that are reading from completedCh will be released:

func main() {
	op := &mockComplexOp{Duration: time.Second}
	completed := make(chan struct{})
	go runOpOnce(op, completed)

	// reading from channel will block until the
	// channel is closed by runOpOnce
	fmt.Println("operation completed")

3. Task Cancellation Using Channels

In the previous section, we learned how closing a Go channel can be used to send and receive signals between goroutines.

We can now create a new version of the previous wrapper function that can receive a termination signal on the cancelCh channel and attempt a graceful termination for the operation:

func runOpWithCancelCh(
	op longRunningOp,
	completedCh chan struct{},
	cancelCh chan struct{}) {

	// decouple uninterruptible operation from its wrapper
	// by running in a new sub-routine, allowing this function
	// to handle cancellation logic.
	innerCompletedCh := make(chan struct{})
	go func() {

	select {
	case <-innerCompletedCh:
		// normal program execution, background process completed
		// successfully.

	case <-cancelCh:
		// received cancellation signal before operation could
		// complete. Requesting termination.

	// always sending completion signal to avoid blocking callers
View the full source code here

The first thing this function does is decouple the long-running operation from the wrapper. Because the operation is uninterruptible, we can’t handle cancellation if the routine is busy running the operation.

We use the go keyword to spawn a new sub-routine and delegate the operation execution. Because this is an inner routine, we also create a dedicated channel to signal the operation completion.

After spawning the sub-routine, we introduced the handling logic for cancellation using the select-case. In this implementation, if the cancelCh is closed before the operation sub-routine can complete, we call the op.Stop() method to request graceful termination.

3.1. The select-case construct in Go

select-case is a variation of the switch-case construct designed to simplify handling communication over multiple channels.

In essence, every case defines a channel interaction, to read/write data from/to a specific channel. The select construct will then activate the case that completes the channel interaction first.

Let me explain with an example:

func main() {
	boolCh := make(chan bool)

	b := <-boolCh // permanently blocked!!
	fmt.Printf("Boolean value is %t", b)

Since nothing is writing data into the boolCh, the read operation case b := <-boolCh will never complete. As a result, this program will hang indefinitely.

We can use the select-case to implement a timeout on the channel read as follows:

func main() {
	boolCh := make(chan bool)

	select {
	case b := <-boolCh:
		fmt.Printf("Boolean value is %t", b)

	case <-time.After(time.Second):
		// timer will activate first.
		fmt.Println("Operation timed out.")

In this second example, the select activates the case corresponding to the interaction that completes first (our 1-second timer in this case) giving us a chance to exit the program if the boolCh is inactive for too long.

3.2. Cancelling an operation with channel

The last thing we need to do is use the runOpWithCancelCh to run a new operation and cancel it before it can complete:

func TestBackgroundTaskWithChanCancel(t *testing.T) {
	// long-running operation will block for 5 seconds
	op := &mockComplexOp{Duration: 5 * time.Second}

	completedCh := make(chan struct{})
	cancelCh := make(chan struct{})
	go runOpWithCancelCh(op, completedCh, cancelCh)

	// sleep 1 second and close cancelCh to request
	// cancellation. The operation should cancel immediately.

	select {
	case <-completedCh:
		// task execution should cancel immediately and
		// signal goroutine completion

	case <-time.After(time.Second):
		t.Fatal("task execution was not cancelled timely")
View the full source code here

4. Cancellation Using Context

Since version 1.7, the context package has been introduced into Go’s standard library. It provides a way to manage and propagate cancellation signals, deadlines and request-scoped values across goroutines.

For our purposes, implementing task cancellation using Context is not necessarily simpler, though it provides a nicer interface for the function caller.

Let’s get into it:

// runOpWithContext executes the long-running operation and handle cancellation
// when the Context is Done.
func runOpWithContext(
	ctx context.Context,
	op longRunningOp,
	completed chan struct{}) {

	// decouple uninterruptible operation from its wrapper
	fnCompleted := make(chan struct{})
	go func() {

	select {
	case <-fnCompleted:
		// normal program execution, background process completed
		// successfully.

	case <-ctx.Done():
		// Context timed-out or cancelled before operation could
		// complete. Requesting termination.

	// always sending completion signal to avoid blocking callers
View the full source code here

The implementation is almost identical, except for the cancellation case in the handling logic. To receive the cancellation signal from a context.Context all we have to do is read from the ctx.Done() channel.

And lastly, here is how we call the function to handle cancellation with context:

func TestBackgroundTaskWithContext(t *testing.T) {
	// long-running operation will block for 5 seconds
	op := &mockComplexOp{Duration: 5 * time.Second}

	// setup context that times-out in 1 second.
	ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), time.Second)
	defer cancel()

	completedCh := make(chan struct{})
	go runOpWithContext(ctx, op, completedCh)

	select {
	case <-completedCh:
		// task execution should cancel immediately and
		// signal goroutine completion

	case <-time.After(2 * time.Second):
		t.Fatal("task execution was not cancelled timely")
View the full source code here

5. Conclusion

In this article, we learned different ways to gracefully cancel long-running operations running Go subroutines.

As always, all examples used in this post and more are available over on GitHub